10 British Horror Films You've Probably Never Seen

9. The Abominable Snowman

abominable snowman
Hammer Film Productions

The Abominable Snowman is a 1957 monster movie with a writer and director match made in heaven. Following on from their success with the Quatermass movies, director Val Guest and writer Nigel Kneale again combine to make this black and white gem.

With its beautiful cinematography and the Pyrenean Mountains standing in for the high peaks of Tibet, to its careful decision not to show too much of the monster, The Abominable Snowman works as well today as it did over 60 years ago. All of this prevents the film from dating too badly. Throw in some dodgy moral choices made by our cast of characters and this film still stands up.

The Abominable Snowman is not scary, but has great atmosphere, it bounces along at a fun pace, and, of course being a British horror film, stars fan favourite Peter Cushing. This film was his first role for Hammer Studios, and over the rest of his career Cushing would make another 22 films for the studio, including the role that would make him internationally famous, Dr Van Helsing in the 1958 version of Dracula.

Do you really need any more reasons to seek this movie out?

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Editor, writer, film nerd.