10 British Horror Films You've Probably Never Seen

1. Evil Aliens

Evil Aliens

In no way can Jake West’s Evil Aliens from 2005 be described as a ‘great film’. From the acting to the script, to its cheap HDV video format, it is painful. But that is not the reason you want to watch this slice of British horror fun. Oh no! Jake West sticks two fingers up to the British reserve and tries to match Peter Jackson’s early films such as Bad Taste and Brain Dead for gross out gore.

British horror regular Emily Booth, leads a TV crew to a Welsh island in search of proof of alien encounters. As evidence of an actual alien invasion grows, the crew see this as their big break. Things do not go as planned.

Any horror film willing to start with a man being killed by an alien anal probe, shaped like a drill is telling you what to expect in the next 93 minutes. This film does not disappoint. Animal mutilation, alien sex, dismemberment and a killer combine harvester are a few of the grizzly delights awaiting any viewer of this film.

Forget plot and character development, maybe even forget the first 20 minutes, but once the gore starts in earnest this British splatter fest has many delights for those viewers with the strongest of stomachs!

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Editor, writer, film nerd.