10 Brothers Grimm Tales Which Disney Should Adapt
5. How Six Men Got On In The World
Plot: A soldier befriends a group of men with some very strange powers, including a sharpshooter, one with super strength, and a man who can create frost by wearing his hat in a certain way.
How Six Men Got On in the World is essentially a heist story with superheroes, and there is plenty of potential in this premise. The protagonists demonstrate ludicrous strength and skills whenever they unleash their powers and would certainly be fun to watch. This sort of fantastical strength is perfectly suited to the realm of animation. The superpowers can be altered depending on the storyteller, but there is a lot of appeal in putting characters into situations where they can fully showcase their fantastical abilities.
Thanks to the Disney-owned Marvel Studios, superheroes are currently inescapable, but moving the genre to the pre-industrial world of fairy tales could provide some room for a more unique take. Many of the recent Disney Princesses (such as Rapunzel and Elsa) have effectively been superheroes themselves, but How Six Men Got On in the World represents a more cynical twist on the genre. Our six protagonists are pretty low down the social ladder, and the story consists of them trying to get money from a corrupt king who does everything in his power to stop them. Although this may be a little darker than what Disney fans may be used to, its cast of unusual heroes means it is still perfectly compatible with the Disney style.