10 Bullsh*t Documentaries That Aren't Worth Your Time

8. Frozen Planet

In an uncertain, uncaring world, you can always rely on David Attenborough. No matter how scary or chaotic things seem to get, David remains solid and dependable, ready to narrate a bunch of footage of the natural world and explain that everything in the animal kingdom has its place, everything happens for a reason, and even when that thing is a lion chowing down on a gazelle or the upsetting traumatic insemination mating habits of certain insects. All of that is just how the world works, and it's beautiful in a certain way. It's also quite possibly false - or, at least, parts of it are. Those almost certainly aren't the sounds you'd hear during traumatic insemination. They would probably be even more disturbing. For a man whose made a career on bringing unbelievable natural wonders to our screen, the controversy surrounding accusations that elements of Attenborough's Frozen Planet series were staged or otherwise edited was tantamount to being stabbed in the back by a long-term friend. How many other things have you been lying to us about, David? We were already reeling from the revelation that sound effects are often overdubbed into nature documentaries in general, and then it transpired that an entire scene of Frozen Planet - of polar bears being born €“ was actually filmed in the controlled environment of a zoo, rather than out in the wild. Which they didn't tell us until after the show had aired. Why would you betray us so?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/