10 Captivating

1. Mage Profion - Dungeons & Dragons

Snow White And The Huntsman
New Line Cinema

Whichever way you want to frame it, Dungeons and Dragons was a bad, bad movie.

Many of the original game's mythical role-playing die-hards have made an active decision to forget the film ever existed and with a 10% Rotten Tomatoes score, it's not hard to see why.

Looking every bit as cheap and badly directed as it's Tomatoes score suggested, the film was a serious contender for Worst Film of the Century...barely a year into it.

Surely a film this bad couldn't harbour any redeeming features, right?

Well, despite the majority of the cast being made up of equally forgettable faces, Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons was still on hand to deliver something resembling a good performance.

Playing the evil wizard, Mage Profion, Irons spends most of the runtime plotting to take over the world by using a magical scepter to control dragons. However, despite that aforementioned sentence sounding ridiculous, Irons forced you to believe in this snarling villain's dreadful potential for chaos.

Dungeons and Dragons may deserve to be permanently scorched from your memory via a swell of dragon-fire, yet Irons' performance should still be remembered as an untarnished piece of devilishly flamboyant acting beauty.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...