10 Captivating

6. Walter Wade Jr - Shaft

Snow White And The Huntsman
Warner Bros. Pictures

With a pretty mixed bag of reviews and a weak box office haul of $107 million, 2000's Shaft remake/sequel - of the 1971 feature of the same name - didn't do much to announce itself as the franchise reinvigorator the studio hoped it would be.

Boasting a pretty impressive cast involving Toni Collette, Jeffrey Wright, Richard Roundtree (the original Shaft) and Samuel L. Jackson as John Shaft II, the film had enough performance power to suggest that it would be a decent all round action-thriller.

It did have a ton of style and a few laughs, but the only really memorable performance came from an actor who'd recently made the world stand up and take notice due to his visceral performance in American Psycho.

A young Christian Bale manages to produce a performance so volatile and despicable in the openly racist Walter Wade Jr, that it only serves as a timely reminder of just how diverse the actor can truly be.

Luckily Bale wouldn't be weighed down by the mediocrity on show throughout this pointless exercise in reincarnation and would go on to add numerous other stellar turns to his now legendary CV.

It's just a shame that this sickeningly villainous performance got lost in such an unmemorable entry.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...