10 Castings For Upcoming Movies That MUST Happen

1. Timothy Dalton - Professor James Moriarty (Enola Holmes 2)

Master and Commander Chris Hemsworth
DC Universe

Last year's Enola Holmes quickly became one of Netflix's most-streamed original films in history, so it wasn't terribly surprising that a sequel was confirmed back in May, with production expected to begin as soon as this year.

Millie Bobby Brown and Henry Cavill are already locked in to reprise the roles of Enola and Sherlock Holmes respectively, though it'll be curious to see which classic characters from Holmes lore also end up thrown into the mix.

The most obvious touchstone would be Professor James Moriarty, who was missing from the first movie and is rumoured to be making an appearance in the sequel.

We've had some incredible Moriarty performances over the years - Jared Harris and Andrew Scott, most recently - and given the relatively young age of both Enola and Sherlock in this version of the story, there's a massive potential age range for the villain.

But isn't Moriarty always a bit more fun when he's played by a scenery-chewing member of the acting old guard? Timothy Dalton, with his piercing gaze, appealing scuff of facial hair, and tendency to look spectacular in a suit, is the perfect choice.

Dalton would bring the necessary combination of class and menace to the table - think a tweaked version of his ludicrously entertaining Hot Fuzz villain Simon Skinner.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.