10 CGI Horror Movie Shots You Never Noticed

8. The Swamp - The Skeleton Key

Scream 4 CGI Knife
Universal Pictures

From a place where gators shouldn’t be to somewhere they very much should be - the swampy plantations of New Orleans. 

The Skeleton Key stars Kate Hudson as a nurse who finds herself involved in a sinister plot involving an elderly couple and their hoodoo magic ways. The action centres around the couple’s large home in Terrebonne Parish, which is just outside of the Big Easy, and while the movie was shot on a real plantation, not everything that made it to the final cut was real. 

The movie was shot at Felicity Plantation, which is in St. James Parish, a more Northerly part of Louisiana. As a result, the area surrounding the location wasn’t swampy, but rather a series of fields used for farming. This was no good. 

With no way of filming an actual swamp, the team behind The Skeleton Key decided they’d just make their own and add it in once everything was already shot. Sounds like a lot of work, but Louisiana and swamps are so inexorably linked in the eyes of many that there really needed to be one to make this movie feel complete.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.