10 CGI Horror Movie Shots You Never Noticed
2. Ghostface’s Knives - Scream 4

11 years after the initial Scream trilogy wrapped up, Wes Craven decided to return to the world of Woodsboro with a new instalment, Scream 4.
Predictably, a new Ghostface arrives to terrorise faces old and new and, as ever, the villain has their trusty knife on hand to do some serious damage. However, 11 years is a long time in filmmaking, and new technology allowed Craven to experiment.
In previous films, Ghostface’s knives were retractable, meaning they could be plunged into a victim’s chest without actually harming them. This time, the veteran director - in what would be his final film prior to his death in 2015 - decided to make all of the blades CGI, with the hope of adding more blood and gore in post.
Not a bad idea, especially as it was barely noticeable in the final cut, but that does mean that all the actors were pretending to be scared of a person carrying an empty knife handle around on set, which is a ridiculous image if ever there was one.