10 CGI Movie Moments NOBODY Noticed

7. Jeremy Renner's Arms - Tag

The Cable Guy
Warner Bros.

Any movie shoot is contingent on the wellbeing of its central cast members above all else, and if they get injured it can throw things into a serious tailspin, as schedules need to be reshuffled and the production likely incurs additional costs.

And while shooting the 2018 comedy Tag, star Jeremy Renner broke both of his arms while performing a stunt where he had to ride a stack of chairs down to the floor.

Renner went to the hospital and had his arms put in casts, after which he actually returned to set and soldiered on to complete the scene. 

But given that Renner's arms were in casts, this naturally required them to be covered with green sleeves, allowing them to be digitally removed and replaced with CGI versions of the actor's arms in post.

It's a basically flawless visual effect, as the final version of the movie has no indication at all that anything was reconstructed after the fact.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.