10 Changes That Would Improve The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. Clarification On Bruce Banner's Transformations

This point has been touched on in countless articles, and it has fuelled many a debate with regards to Bruce Banner's ability to transform into the Hulk ever since The Avengers exploded into theatres back in 2012. The big question? To what extent can Bruce Banner control himself when he turns into the Hulk? What does that oft-quoted line at the end of The Avengers - "I'm always angry" - really mean? Everybody knows, of course, that - to some extent - the line served as a sort of shortcut into allowing Bruce Banner to fight alongside The Avengers in an awesome final battle without trying to kill them; folk wanted to see the team in action, battling as friends, so Joss Whedon contrived a reason to allow such a thing to happen. No big deal. Fans sort of accepted it at the time because it was cool. But now, years later, it's time to clarify a few things at the first available moment. Can Bruce transform at will? Is there a difference in the way he acts if he chooses to turn into the Hulk or is forced into it via an act of violence or a burst of anger? What gives? This is one of the most irksome things inherent to the MCU; although there have been numerous discussions surrounding Bruce's transformations as a result, some closure - once and for all - would really help the MCU along and aid fans in their understanding of the Hulk's role as an Avenger.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.