10 Characters Completely Wasted In Recent Movies

8. Venom - Spider-Man: No Way Home

Tina Goldstein Fantastic Beasts
Sony Pictures Releasing

In what is quickly becoming an irritating staple of Marvel's most recent entries into their ever-expanding MCU, a post-credit sting quickly devolved into little more than a limp what-could've-been after the box office-smashing latest Spidey outing.

With many a web-slinging fanatic losing their minds upon witnessing Venom being warped into Tom Holland's Spider-Man universe during Let There Be Carnage's post-credit shocker, a moment that acted as the undoubted highlight of said second symbiote experience was depressingly undone in a matter of moments.

Highlighting how Eddie Brock had spent much of No Way Home's runtime sat in a bar discussing the history of the MCU, Tom Hardy's bumbling anti-hero abruptly being launched back into the Sony Spider-Verse - though not without leaving a blob of symbiote sludge on the counter, of course - felt like an almighty slap in the face to those who had filed into theatres to see the Venom sequels' Spidey tease be deliciously paid off.

Co-writer Chris McKenna would later confirm that there was a version of the script that had the iconic black symbiote rock up at the Statue of Liberty for the feature's epic conclusion. But, for whatever reason, Brock's MCU bow wound up being reduced to a disappointing p*ss-up instead.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...