4. Dan Aykroyd As Raymond Stanz In The Ghostbusters Franchise and Casper
A reappearance of the character that almost everyone is bound to have seen, unless you happen to be an octogenarian (and even then it's surprising) is Dan Aykroyd's reprisal of his most famous role, Ray Stanz - Ghostbuster extraordinaire! Apart from ruling the roost when it comes to the classic ghostbusting films Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II (1989), Ray Stanz took up his proton pack for a solo gig when times were hard. He appeared as a cameo in a little known horror film about a child who dies of pneumonia and comes back to seek revenge. 1995's Casper featured a slew of occult investigators and paranormal exterminators trying their hand at clearing the mansion where the film is set, of the titular ghost and his frenemies - Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso. Rodney Dangerfield, Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson also provided their own impersonations of themselves in the film, going completely uncredited. In the end, it's all for the kids, we suppose? And for the adults who have to sit through this thoroughly enjoyable film!