10 Child Stars Who Spectacularly Self Destructed

6. Tatum O'Neal

Tatum O'Neal Tatum O'Neal shot to fame pretty much overnight by starring with her dad Ryan in Peter Bogdanovich's classic 1973 movie Paper Moon, pretty much upstaging her daddy in the process and going on to become the youngest Academy Award winner in a competitive category, a record she still holds today. However, perhaps it was a case of Orson Welles syndrome - that is, peaking too early - because O'Neal's adult life has been fraught with peril, namely persistent drug abuse. Due to her heroin use, ex-husband John McEnroe gained custody of their three children, and in 2008, she was arrested for possession of crack cocaine. Though the claims have been refuted by her father, O'Neal also claimed in her autobiography that she was molested by her father's drug dealer as a child, and claims that her dad's own issues with narcotics caused him to be both physically and emotionally abusive towards her. Though Tatum has attempted to repair things with her father in recent years, the fact that she sought to do this on a reality TV show says it all really. She hasn't given a note-worthy performance in years. What a waste.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.