10 Children's Movies That Are Actually Way Better For Adults

2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

There are few family films as audacious as Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's creative, clever and comedic, yet it's also unapologetically violent, terrifying and overly sexual. Truthfully, it's a great film for all ages for completely separate reasons. The ingenuity of the storyline melded with the absolute grit of its content make it one hell of a twisted vision that still surprises to this very day. The marriage of live-action and animation is captivating and both the childish bits of mischief and sound effects are intoxicating for those of a younger age. Scene-to-scene is an energetic mix of mystery, action and humor which is made all the stronger by beautifully shot visuals, an exorbitant amount of cartoon characters and Roger Rabbit's goofball shenanigans. All of these familial elements combine so that they might trick many a youngster into thinking that this was just another jovial, child-like slice of cinema that oftentimes had live actors mucking up all of the fun, animated portions. For adults, ol' Roger Rabbit was a different story. One overflowing with adultery, foul language, toon-racism, implied off-screen fornication (the infamous "paddy-cake" scene), and some definitely un-PG acts of violence. The film's climax, which sees the gruesome demise of Christopher Lloyd's antagonist (appropriately named "Doom"), remains one of the most unsettling, most horrifying sequences to have ever been allowed inside a family film.

Greetings from The Yentz! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! I live, eat and breathe film... And videogames... And comics... And, well... Anything that might be considered "nerd related". I consider myself the voice against that of mainstream cinema. While critics might praise the ostentatious drivel supplied by Oscar-pandering films, I enjoy directing attention to less popular gems in hopes of educating people on incredible film experiences that may not be backed by massive studios, nominations and a star-studded cast. Outside of WhatCulture!, I write for Movieweb, assisted BlueCat as a script analyst, have worked on films from the east coast to the west and continue to write, critique and direct here in the lovable land of ol' LA. I hope you enjoy reading my diatribes as much as I enjoy writing them.