10 Cinematic Reasons Why Growing Up in the 90s-00s Was the Best

3. The Return of the Childhood Favorites of Our Parents

Now, it's perfectly reasonable to see this time as the eras in which long-gone properties like Garfield and The Smurfs were ruined when they were brought back. But let's not forget that J.J. Abrams made Star Trek cool again, Michael Bay injected the kind of awesome we would expect from a live-action Transformers, and James Mangold's 3:10 to Yuma restored hope in the seemingly forgotten genre of westerns. It's often easy to get caught up in the remakes that were, for lack of a better phrase, diluted cat feces. But the 90s brought us a popular resurgence in the character of James Bond with Goldeneye and then managed to do it again (in the hands of Martin Campbell once more) with Casino Royale. A franchise getting a return to form in two different reboots just eleven years apart? That's practically unheard of. But people who missed the Connery days got excitement with Goldeneye and new Bondies got their jolt with Daniel Craig's interpretation. And, of course, we already mentioned that of King Kong and the likes of superheroes including Superman (who was last seriously seen in 1980). Everything comes full circle, and while we've had our fair share of stinkers, we've also had some pretty note-worthy returns as well.
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Cameron Carpenter is an aspiring screenwriter, current film and journalism student, and self-diagnosed cinephile, which only sounds bad in certain circles. Devoted fan of comics, movies, theater, Jesus Christ, Sidney Lumet, and Peter O'Toole, he sometimes spends too much time on his Scribd and comicbookmovie.com, but doesn't think you're one to judge, devoted reader. You can follow him on Twitter to watch him talk to people you didn't know exist. Oh, and Daredevil is quite the big deal around here (my head).