10 Classic Films That Actually Live Up To Their Legendary Status

9. Psycho

Mr Smith Goes To Washington
Paramount Pictures

Hitchcock's low-budget psychological masterpiece. What more can be said about Psycho that can demonstrate how brilliant it actually is?

With so much written about the film and the critics that fawn over it to this day, it is hard to imagine a world where Psycho was never made, which was a shockingly close reality at times during pre-production. Alfred Hitchcock ended up financing the film as none of the other studios that he had previously worked with would give him anything believing the film to be too controversial.

When it arrived in theatres it didn't do too well critically, however, audiences loved it and like many of the true great movies, it was appraised differently after years of popularity. The mark of a film way ahead of its time.

A serial killer film that became the blueprint for all serial killer films to come, Psycho is still an intense watch for those who haven't seen it and has kept that sense of foreboding, even though 61 years have passed since its release in 1960.

It has spawned several sequels and a popular TV series but none of them really got close to the feeling that the original had.


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