10 Classic Films That Actually Live Up To Their Legendary Status

7. City Lights

Mr Smith Goes To Washington
United Artists

The original love story. The Tramp and the blind Flower Girl. Chaplin's film might be nearly 100 years old but there isn't a film around that doesn't owe itself to it in some way.

The great tonal shifts that it employs from the slapstick to the tender, City Lights will always be one of Hollywood's original guiding lights to romantic movies that continue to follow the path that it set forth.

The humour of the film is universal, the laughs are abundant, and the tears are genuine. Chaplin's character is hard not to fall in love with immediately because of his heart for others less fortunate than he is, even if that heart means him putting himself in danger in trying to help them.

As the Tramp tries to get money so that the Flower Girl may regain her sight he never reveals to her that he is a lowly tramp, instead, she believes that he is rich and that he is paying for it out of his vast fortune.

Well, once the film has elapsed to its final scene, there is nothing in 100 years since that has ever bettered THAT final look between the Tramp and the Flower Girl. All modern love stories are just a pale imitation of City Lights in some way.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.