10 Classic Films That Were Shamefully Ignored At First

3. The Wizard Of Oz

The Wizard Of Oz the sort of movie you imagine was something of an instant classic - a motion picture so vibrant, creative and inherently appealing that it just couldn't have flopped at the box office. And yet, given the premise of this article, you already know such a travesty to be true. Yes, despite the fact that it is often hailed as one of the greatest movies ever made, The Wizard of Oz lost $1.1 million at the box office (it had a $2.7 million budget). Apparently all those phenomenal sets and songs, the brilliant casting, and that amazing moment where the picture changes from sepia to Technicolor, wasn't enough for people living in 1939, who presumably liked their movies with a little less awesomeness (what were they thinking?). It was only when the film was re-released that its popularity began to soar, and now everybody is like, "Oh, The Wizard of Oz? An absolute classic, mate, yeah."
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.