10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated

3. Oldboy

Oldboy ending smile

Visually stunning cinematography, ultra-violence and one of the sickest plot twists cinema screens have seen, Park Chan-wook’s twisted tale of revenge in Seoul’s seedy underbelly is responsible for some of the jolting and revolting moments in recent memory. By the end of the film seeing star Choi Min-sik consume a live octopus is, funnily enough, one of its least stomach-churning scenes.

Granted, Oldboy’s plot twist means it isn’t the most re-watchable movie ever and the hype around it can be annoying. As the entry-level example of Asian cinema for many film newbies, it gets a lot praise simply for being a refreshing alternative to Western cinema and though the argument that there are better, more warped movies out there may be true, that doesn’t necessarily take away from Oldboy’s quality or that it’s a must-see movie that helped put South Korean cinema on the map.

Spike Lee’s needless, watered down American remake however is a film that should be avoided at any cost.


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