10 Classic Movies That Almost Had Completely Different Plots

1. Star Wars

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gvqpFbRKtQ George Lucas's rough draft of €œThe Star Wars€ (written in 1974) - summarised here - sounds like the strange, woozy dream you might have following a Blu-Ray marathon of the complete saga. You catch odd echoes of characters from the completed films, yet they're... off, somehow. Who is €œAnnikin Starkiller," and why is he the son of a Jedi named €œKane€? Why is €œLuke Skywalker€ an army general, and why is €œHan Solo€ an alien? The plot of the treatment is, suffice it to say, virtually unrecognisable. The broad brushes are the same, yes - a young man, a princess and two robots do battle against an evil, imperialistic Empire €“ but iconic scenes and elements such as Obi-Wan, lightsabers, the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance and the Stormtrooper who hits his head on the door are all missing. Like The Wizard of Oz, this is one of those cases where hindsight overpowers any sense of objectivity, but it's hard to believe that this rather flat rendering of the mythology would have had anything like the success of the film released three years later. Odd as this version of the film may seem, it has recently been announced that Dark Horse Comics are going to publish a graphic novel based on Lucas's original treatment. Whether they'll choose to integrate or even acknowledge its blatant contradictions of the canon remains to be seen. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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A gamer raised on too many RPGs. I enjoy making predictions about the direction of the gaming industry and revising them when they turn out to be wrong. I dislike cut scenes with an unhealthy passion, though am indifferent about pretty much everything else.