10 Classic Movies That Almost Had Completely Different Plots

4. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip6GolC7Mk0 While researching this article, I came across a piece of trivia on IMDb for the film Anchorman. It suggested that an early draft of the film followed €œa planeload of news anchors who crash in the mountains and discover that the plane which they collided was carrying monkeys and martial arts equipment". It sounded too good to be true, of course, and as I struggled to find any other source to support this gem (aside from direct lifts of it elsewhere on the web), I was prepared to put it down to mischief makers over IMDb way generating fake trivia for fun. An extra careful Google later, though, and Judd Apatow appeared: €œWhen we started working on the first Anchorman, it was all about a plane crash that was kind of a parody of the movie Alive€. Admittedly, his statement doesn't fully support the IMDb claim €“ Alive lacked €œmonkeys and martial arts equipment€, as far as I remember (unless there's a director's cut out there; if there is, it also belongs on this list). Overall, though, we can call this one confirmed: Anchorman was originally about cannibalistic news anchors, who may or may not have done battle with a group of monkeys. I don't have too much to add to that €“ as much and as carefully as I search, I can't find any further information on it. Which just deepens the fascination, actually.
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A gamer raised on too many RPGs. I enjoy making predictions about the direction of the gaming industry and revising them when they turn out to be wrong. I dislike cut scenes with an unhealthy passion, though am indifferent about pretty much everything else.