10 Classic Movies That Are (If Anything) Underrated

No, they really are that good.

People like to debate movies on the internet. That's kinda why you're here, after all - it's just a lot of fun to chew over cinematic worth and tear apart minutiae with a bunch of likeminded people (even if things can get pretty out of hand when you bring a polarising superhero flick into the mix). Through all the discussion-cum-argument, however, it's easy to forget that cinema is an inherently subjective medium - it's an art form and thus by its very nature will be read and appreciated by different people in different ways. There are, of course, ways to create objective measures of success - box office takings, award success - but everybody knows they don't really equate to actual quality. And, with that in mind, there's naturally few movies everyone can agree on. Sure, nobody would object to calling The Godfather one of the most sublime films ever made or Batman And Robin the total opposite, but outside of select examples you can always find people who cut through the perceived hyperbole and find themselves underwhelmed by a surefire classic or finding quality in a widely derided dud. Even with undisputed masterpieces there can be some disagreement over how worthy a film really is. It can get quite oxymoronic - people totally understand why the movies are beloved and would even award them five stars (or ten out of ten, or nine thumbs up, or whatever measure you use), yet still find the unrelenting praise a bit too much. Today we're going to defend ten of these movies that, despite being called "classics", consistently also find themselves tarred with the "overrated" brush. Time to set the record straight. In a subjective manner, of course.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.