10 Classic Movies That Will Inevitably Be Remade

2. Back To The Future (1985)

Robert Zemeckis' timeless adventure is one of the greatest movies ever made, not to mention one of the most endlessly rewatchable. While it seems almost blasphemous to even talk about remaking Back to the Future, and it likely won't happen for a long time yet, the time-travel premise and advances in filmmaking technology make it almost inevitable at somewhere down the line. Thankfully, creators Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale have stated that any remake can't be made without their permission, but what happens in the future is anybody's guess. As parent studio Universal have repeatedly shown over the years, they are not ones to let a commercially successful franchise rest on its laurels for too long. Along with seven Fast and Furious movies, four Jaws movies and four American Pies to name but a few, the studio have also updated their stable of iconic monsters for almost every new generation of cinema audiences. Let's not forget their current big hitters either; the Bourne series has continued without star Matt Damon, with a fourth Jurassic Park movie in production and a third Despicable Me also in the works. The fact that Zemeckis and Gale have power to veto any intended remake is encouraging, but who's to say that a few decades down the line a studio executive won't decide that enough time has passed to make a return to Hill Valley a reality?

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