10 Classic Movies That Will Inevitably Be Remade

8. Logan's Run (1976)

Hollywood has spent decades trying to get a remake of Logan's Run off the ground, and surely it is only a matter of time before the long-gestating project finally comes to fruition. One of the rare properties that could actually benefit from a 21st Century makeover, Michael Anderson's sci-fi is an entertaining and effects-laden genre effort that doesn't quite manage to make the most of its brilliant premise. Set in a dystopian future where everyone is killed off at the age of 30 in order to prevent overpopulation, the potential is there to create a smart and exciting movie, enhanced by today's filmmaking technology. Think Michael Bay's The Island, except good. With the amount of remakes that the studios keep churning out these days, it remains a mystery as to why nobody has yet been able to crack Logan's Run despite it first being announced back in the 1990's. Bryan Singer spent two years developing the project before dropping out, while the likes of Robert Schwentke, James McTeigue, Joseph Kosinski and Carl Rinsch were all linked to the director's chair over the last few years. Most recently, Nicolas Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling were attached before things fell apart yet again. Given Hollywood's persistence in trying to get it made, there is no doubt that a remake of Logan's Run will eventually make its way to theaters as a big-budget blockbuster, its just a question of when.

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