10 Classic Movies You Didn't Know Were Slammed By Critics

2. Alien

Sometimes a film critic struggles to move with the times. Chicago Reader movie scribe Dave Kehr might have felt at home watching musicals but when it came to assessing Ridley Scott's seminal science fiction horror film Alien he couldn't find any kind words to write. Kehr opened his attack on Alien by describing it as "n empty-headed horror movie, with nothing to recommend it beyond the disco-inspired art direction and some handsome, if gimmicky, cinematography." Quite what aspect of Alien's production design bore a resemblance to disco in his eyes is anyone's guess. He went on to lambast the movie for its tired approach to generating suspension and achieving its shocks by simply having things jump out of go "Boo!", which makes you wonder if he actually saw the same film as everyone else.
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