10 Clever Tricks You Didn’t Realise Movies Played On You

6. Miles Morales' Inexperience = Lower Framerate

MCU 12 Captain America Star Lord Pepper Potts Iron Man Wanda Quicksilver
Sony Pictures

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a true, no pun intended, marvel of animation.

Not just does this Spidey tale deliver an engaging, entertaining, emotional story at its core, but it looks utterly flippin' gorgeous as it does so. What you've likely never realised, though, is that said gorgeous action often plays out at a different framerate for Miles Morales than it does for his other Wall-crawling pals.

When we see Peter B. Parker cracking skulls and swinging through skylines, that, like the rest of the movie, is served up at 24 frames-per-second. On the flipside of this, Miles' burgeoning venture into herodom only moves at 12 fps. This was done in order to give a clunkier, more rigid movement to the rookie Morales when compared to the vastly more experienced Spiders seen elsewhere in the film.

By the time Into the Spider-Verse reaches its final act, and with Miles Morales having earnt his stripes as Spider-Man, his animation has been amped up to the full 24 fps treatment to match his peers. This is an extremely subtle trick, but one that is utterly inspired when you go back and give Spider-Verse yet another rewatch.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.