10 Comic Book Films That Ignored The Source (That Fans Still Loved)
6. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
The much beloved Guillermo del Toro tri— uh.. bi-logy (too soon?) Hellboy series will always have a special place in every Hellboy fan, regardless on how much the movie scripts divested from the original adventures as thought and written by Mike Mignola.
While both movie and comic share plenty of similarities, Gullielmo Del Toro stirred the series towards a strong art direction much more to his liking - especially in the second chapter.
While some fans of the original work would have preferred to see the comic made into the script, ultimately Del Toro’s direction and Ron Perlman's Hellboy won the hearts of everyone by making it their own.
The third movie would've seen Hellboy raising his children with Liz, but due to The Golden Army's poor box office results it never went ahead, leaving space for the 2019 David Harbour's Hellboy reboot (although we all know how that went).