10 Comic Book Movie Performances ONLY Made Possible By Intense Method Acting

8. Jared Leto Actually Lost His Mind (Suicide Squad)

jared leto suicide squad
Warner Bros.

The stories of Jared Leto's antics while playing The Joker on the set of Suicide Squad are already the stuff of pop-culture legend.

In order to get into character and keep his co-stars on edge, Leto sent used condoms, anal beads, dead pigs, a live rat, bullets and "sticky" Playboy magazines to cast members, while insisting that assistant directors refer to him as "Mr. J".

Leto also spoke to shamans and holy men while prepping for the part, and as soon as word of his method acting made its way online, speculation surged that Leto had fully given himself over to the Clown Prince of Crime.

It's somewhat ironic that, despite all of the effort Leto went to and how much press his "obnoxious" behaviour received, his role in Suicide Squad ended up being disappointingly scant, such that it was tough for audiences to have much of a bead on the character or his performance.

Still, his commitment is admirable, and he has publicly counted himself among those disappointed at how significantly his role was edited down.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.