10 Comic Book Movie Performances ONLY Made Possible By Intense Method Acting

6. Chadwick Boseman Never Dropped His Wakandan Accent (Captain America: Civil War)

Captain America Civil War Trailer Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Captain America: Civil War co-director Joe Russo confirmed that in order to convincingly play Wakanda's heir apparent T'Challa, Chadwick Boseman kept strictly in character throughout shooting.

Russo said, "Chadwick is a very method actor. He shows up on set in character, stays in character, stays in accent because he finds it's helpful for him to be transformative...For the entire run of the production, he spoke in that accent, whether he was on camera or not. He’s that kind of actor, he has a very specific process. It’s very intense performance."

Considering that Boseman has gained a reputation for delivering chameleonic performances as real-life figures in recent years, namely Jackie Robinson, James Brown and Thurgood Marshall, his commitment to character isn't particularly surprising.

When it comes to that tricky Wakandan accent, too, keeping up the facade throughout shooting has to be helpful, so this has presumably also been his M.O. during shooting for the upcoming Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.