10 Comic Book Movie Teases That Went Absolutely Nowhere

1. Sinestro

Sinestro Yellow
Warner Bros

The Set-Up

The end of Green Lantern sees Sinestro convince the Guardians to forge a yellow ring to defeat Parallax, which doesn't end up being used as Hal Jordan manages to defeat the villain himself and urges Sinestro not to use the ring.

The stinger, however, shows Sinestro getting his hands on the yellow ring and seemingly becoming possessed by it, foreshadowing his evolution into a fully fledged villain.

But Then...

As Ryan Reynolds will tell you, Green Lantern ended up being a disaster and the planned sequel hit the skids when Warner Bros were upset by the negative reviews. So we never got to see the only redeeming thing about the first movie - Mark Strong's performance - actually lead to anything.

Which of these sequel teases do you wish had turned into real movies? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.

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Green Lantern
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