10 Comic Book Movies Everyone Loves To Hate

1. Suicide Squad

Ghost Rider
Warner Bros.

Suicide Squad’s Oscar win (for makeup and hairstyling) give it a brickbat with which to fend off critics but might also lead to unrealistically high expectations. You can’t deny that the movie looks the business and it’s certainly well cast, but anyone expecting a good story well told might come away feeling short changed.

View Suicide Squad with expectations so low they’re dragging across the floor, however, and you can overlook the overlong backstories as well as a plot that’s alternately simplistic and senseless.

The movie’s strongest suit is its cast of characters, who even though they’re supposed to be “the worst of the worst” emerge as a likeable bunch you want to spend two hours with, despite numerous bumps in the road. Everybody was quick to write Will Smith off in 2016 but he comes off well here as does Margot Robbie, and they have more to work with here than they did in Focus. Even Jai Courtney can’t destroy the movie, so director David Ayer must be doing something right.

Ayer is no stranger to studio interference, having seen his aptly titled movie Sabotage cut down from three hours to under two at the request of the suits. Suicide Squad is really no better or worse than Sabotage, but it’s a jaded and cynical viewer who doesn’t prefer it to Batman V Superman.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'