10 Comic Book Movies That Will Literally Never Happen

4. Blade 4

Justice League Cyborg
New Line Cinema

Though the original Wesley Snipes-starring Blade trilogy concluded in 2004 with the widely-reviled Blade: Trinity, Snipes has been talking-up the possibility of a fourth movie in recent years, especially after the rights reverted to Marvel Studios back in 2012.

By 2013, a script for a new Blade movie had been completed despite the lack of a formal announcement, and Snipes - who, admittedly, has a vested interested in stirring the pot - claims he was in talks with Marvel for the film.

While it's certainly likely we'll see another Blade movie sooner or later, it's incredibly hard to believe that Snipes' version of the Daywalker will get another go-around, if only because the R-rated tone wouldn't suit the MCU house style at all. That's not to forget that Snipes would be pushing 60 even if production started soon-ish.

It's far more believable that Blade will be rebooted with a new actor for a possible MCU stint, and while Snipes could have a passing-the-torch cameo, a new movie starring him is a pure pipe dream.

Back in the late-90s, Snipes was a bankable box office commodity, but with late-millennials having little frame of reference for the actor, Blade 4 is more of a financial risk than anyone wants to admit. That, more than any other reason, is why it won't happen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.