10 Comic Book Movies You Didn't Know Were Linked

9. Fantastic Four's Extended Cut Confirms A Shared Universe With Fox's X-Men

Fantastic Four Wolverine

2005's largely forgettable Fantastic Four movie does nevertheless feature a single seconds-long moment in its Extended Cut - yes, it has an Extended Cut - which heavily implies, if not confirms, that the Fantastic Four films exist in the same universe as the X-Men franchise (both being owned by Fox...at the time).

When Reed Richards (Ioan Gruffudd) is explaining to Sue Storm (Jessica Alba) that he thought she wanted a stronger man, he uses his body-moulding abilities to transform his face into that of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). A crude, early-2000s CGI approximation of it, anyway.

The point isn't the trash VFX, though - it's that, with this scene, Fox effectively confirmed that not only do the X-Men and the Fantastic Four share this universe, but that the Four are aware of the X-Men, and likely the other way around, too.

Of course, these goofball movies never took themselves seriously enough to actually consider doing a legit crossover, but all the same, the link between them is there - even if most audiences never bothered to watch the Extended Cut and see it for themselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.