10 Common Mistakes Comic Book Movies Make

3. Creating A World Without Consequences

explosion fixed Iron Man fires at an army of robot suits who are chasing behind him. Many of them, perhaps the ones with the machine guns, perhaps those housing the guided missiles, are hit and crash to the floor in a wild explosion. This explosion occurs, knocks over a towering glass statue of some kind and people run away in a scream of terror. Is anyone killed? Hell, is anyone hurt? Nope, because even if a super-villain send a squadron of drones after a man piloting a suit so powerful it can take out a tank, not one civilian will get caught in the cross hair. Am I asking for innocent people to be slaughtered? No, but I'm already suspending my belief to include the existence of a superhero, or a Asgardian God depending on your film of choice, so why can't the world at least react realistically to the carnage that seems to follow these people? The everyday man in the Marvel Universe should be scared out of his mind right now and who knows, maybe in the Phase Two run of films we'll see this in the aftermath of the failed Chitauri invasion. I sincerely hope we do, because it isn't just the super-villains (and that one henchman from Captain America who gets thrown into a propeller) who need a little death now and then.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24