10 Conspiracy Theories That Inspired Horror Movies

8. The Fourth Kind

Devil's Pass
Universal Pictures

The Fourth Kind is a pseudodocumentary which looks at the mysterious disappearances that occurred in Nome, Alaska from 1960-2004. Some of these missing persons returned but were unable to confirm where they had been. Dr. Abby Tyler suspects these people were abducted by aliens and so, conducts hypnotherapy to unlock their memories.

It may sound far-fetched but Nome has had over two dozen disappearances over the years, which is extremely high considering the town's small population. Unsurprisingly, this caused a devoted crowd of conspiracy theorists to claim Nome was a hot spot for alien abductions. When the FBI arrived in Nome to investigate these disappearances during the millennium, this convinced the tinfoil hat truthers even more that extra-terrestrials were involved.

When the investigation concluded, the FBI discovered the disappearances were caused by... the cold. Nome is so remote, there are no roads that lead into the town. As a result, it's not uncommon for people in the area to get lost. Since the region is arctic, many people froze to death after straying too far from home.

Of course, many fringe theorists dismiss this explanation, assuming the FBI only ventured to Nome to cover up any evidence of the abductions.

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