10 Controversial Movie Moments of 2012 That Shocked Us All

2. The Proto-Xenomorph - Prometheus

We all went into Prometheus hoping for answers, and even speaking as a so-called "Prometheus apologist", I must admit that the film's lack of answers was a little troubling. What many seemed to have problems with - aside from the scientists taking their helmets off on uncharted planet and Charlize Theron failing to roll out of the way of a donut-shaped spaceship - was how the proto-Xenormohph came about at the film's climax, bursting out of an Engineer's chest. People didn't buy the circumstances which led to its creation, whereby David the android tainted Holloway's drink with the alien substance, he copulates with Shaw, who ejects the baby squid from her stomach, before it rapes the Engineer, creating the very first proto-Alien. Personally, I didn't have a problem believing this; I took the "it's aliens, what did you expect?" approach; the series might be science fiction, but the important word there is fiction. Nevertheless, whatever side of the argument you come down on, it proved hugely controversial, and a large part of the reason that audiences tended to turn on the film and felt disappointed by it.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.