10 Coolest LEGO Star Wars Creations Made By Fans

1. Death Star Trench Run

And what better way to finish than possibly the most iconic scene in the entire Star Wars franchise, the Death Star Trench Run. There's quite a lot of fan builds of this out there, but this is the absolute blue ribbon winner! This is the best of the bunch.

Now, in case any fanboys out there start shouting, "But no, the Super Star Destroyer crashes in Episode VI, not Episode IV!" Yes, I'm very aware of this, but it is stunningly cool. So it stays.

This build has so much greatness. Starting with the Death Star superlaser firing, to the massive Super Star Destroyer crashing head first and then to the piece de resistance. The motorised chase between the X-Wing and Darth Vader's TIE Advanced around the trench. Not much left to say after that.

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Star Wars Tion Medon

1. Who Is It?


Middle aged (Not that you'd know it!) northern redneck. Days spent in the woods, drinking beer and chilling with the guys. Seriously passionate about wrestling, movies and good tunes.