10 Coolest LEGO Star Wars Creations Made By Fans

6. Mon Calamari MC-80 Cruiser

What better way to follow the Star Destroyer than its Rebel Alliance counterpart - the Mon Calamari MC-80. Got to say it was surprising to find this, especially since it's one that Lego themselves haven't really touched. Makes you wonder if there's a reason for that, this build though shows you otherwise.

From the outside, this build looks very impressive, yet somehow overshadowed by the Star Destroyer it's next to. Also, the diorama of both ships looks incredible.

It's when you start seeing the interior that it gets really good. Starting off with the operations room, the engineering section. Then going deeper, there's a hangar bay, complete with two A-Wing fighters. It even has a swimming pool. Yes, that's right, a swimming pool!

The best touch though, is the bridge. While it's small and not overly detailed, it has Admiral Ackbar in his spinny chair! Fantastic.


Middle aged (Not that you'd know it!) northern redneck. Days spent in the woods, drinking beer and chilling with the guys. Seriously passionate about wrestling, movies and good tunes.