10 Coolest Superhero Movie Scenes Ever

7. Superman Returns (2006) - Bad Vibrations

Bane Tom Hardy
Warner Bros.

Singer received plenty of flak from X-Men fans when he left the movie franchise after X2 to work on Warner’s return to the Superman property.

In the end, Superman Returns didn’t click with 2006’s summer blockbuster crowd: they’d been conditioned by Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films and Singer’s own X-Men movies to expect something more edgy and propulsive than this romantic paean to Richard Donner and Christopher Reeve’s first two Superman films.

It’s a significantly underrated film however, and arguably a more cohesive work than anything he’s done under the X-Men banner. Particularly impressive is the way in which Singer brings contemporary effects to bear in quintessentially classic Superman set pieces, like the fantastic space shuttle/plane rescue.

And then there’s this iconic moment, better than anything in Zack Snyder’s overwrought Superman flicks to date, showing what happens when you bring a gun (even an implausibly overpowered one like this BFG XP/50 Mk. II minigun, invented for the purposes of the movie) to a Kryptonite fight.

It’s been estimated that this fictional weapon is probably chucking out over 400 rounds per second, making it several times as powerful as the nearest real life version of the minigun… not that it makes a blind bit of difference here. Everyone knows that bullets can’t hurt Superman, but it’s the first time that established fact has been proven on screen in such a striking fashion.

Superman’s slow, implacable walk towards the minigun as hundreds of bullets ricochet off his chest, the recoil slowing him not one bit, is easily one of the most dramatic displays of the Man Of Steel’s power in any Superman movie.

The scene is capped off with a .45 slug to his face at point blank range that flattens against his eyeball. Kal-El doesn’t even blink.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.