10 Coolest Superhero Movie Scenes Ever

4. Captain America: Civil War - Zoltar Says Make Your Wish

Bane Tom Hardy
Marvel Studios

There’s a case to be made that the whole airport battle sequence in this year’s gamechanging Captain America flick is the coolest scene in superhero movies. We’ve had Avenger vs. Avenger dust-ups before, but nothing on that kind of scale - and the attention to detail, the imaginative choreography and the pitch perfect repartee make Batman vs. Superman look like a pair of squabbling school children.

However. If we have to choose one part of that sequence that (fnarrr) stands head and shoulders above the rest - and, let’s not forget, that includes Captain America vs. Spider-Man - it’s got to be the kind-of-sort-of debut of Giant-Man.

The effects work is seamless, just as it is when showing Ant-Man shrinking down to shred Iron Man’s armour from the inside. Not only that, but Paul Rudd’s voice work is peerless. He never takes off the helmet in any part of this sequence, and yet still perfectly conveys Scott Lang’s rush of endorphins at suddenly being the size of Godzilla and able to use planes and trucks as melee weapons.

More than that, though: it’s everyone else’s reactions. Ant-Man isn’t exactly the most intimidating of superheroes, and most of the others tend to treat him as a bit of an afterthought, even the ones on his side. Well, they’re not laughing now. Spider-Man’s reaction, in particular, is spot on - that’s exactly how you’d react if the least impressive guy on the other team suddenly went kaiju on you.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.