10 Craziest Things Horror Movie Villains Have Survived

7. Chucky - Shot, Beheaded, Tortured

chucky survived

The last one standing of the great slasher icons, Charles Lee Ray - aka the diminutive Chucky - has been around for a long time. While Freddy, Jason, Michael and Leatherface have all been rebooted, remade (and then rebooted again), Chucky remains the original article. 2019's remake tried, but there's no substitution for Chucky.

After a whole franchise of being kicked from pillar to post by Andy Barclay and various others, Chucky made a revitalised return in 2013's Curse of Chucky. After terrorizing his fill out of the unfortunate Nica (Fiona Dourif, daughter of Brad), Chucky takes a second swipe at Andy (Alex Vincent). What he doesn't expect is for Andy to be ready and waiting. Capturing his tiny tormentor, Andy proceeds to brutally torture the demon doll, keeping his beheaded (but still alive) noggin captive in screaming agony.

But not even this could keep Chucky down - and Charles found a way to return, stealing Nica's body (thanks voodoo) and spreading his essence across multiple Good Guy dolls.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.