10 Crazy Actor Truths We Just Learned

7. Margot Robbie's Brother Didn't Talk To Her For Months After Nude Scene In Wolf Of Wall Street

Leon Natalie Portman
Paramount Pictures

Margot Robbie gave a breakout performance in The Wolf of Wall Street almost an entire decade ago - one which catapulted her into the Hollywood A-list practically overnight.

It's a terrifically entertaining performance and also one which turned many heads for Robbie's bold full-frontal nudity, while also causing some issues with her family.

During a recent interview with the Screen Time podcast, Robbie revealed that her nude scenes caused enough of a stir back home that her brother couldn't bring himself to speak to her for three months. Of first watching the movie with her entire family, she said:

"I can't tell you how uncomfortable that was. One of my brothers didn't speak to me for three months afterwards - not because he was mad, he was just, like: 'I just need a minute before I can consider you my sister again!'"

On one hand, that's a tough spot for a sibling to be in, but on the other, three months!?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.