10 Crazy In-Universe Rules MCU Characters Must Follow

7. Wakandans Don't Use Guns

Avengers Endgame Professor Hulk
Marvel Studios

One of the defining traits of the Wakandan army is that they're basically the only modern army around the world that doesn't use guns.

Despite their technologically advanced nature, they eschew traditional projectile weapons entirely.

This is in large part due to their vibranium-laced arsenal - namely their spears and gauntlets - producing sonic blasts capable of causing massive amounts of damage.

You can also argue that Wakanda's isolationist nature has basically prevented them from ever having to engage in long-range warfare, and most of their internal qualms are settled through ritualistic melee combat anyway, therefore negating the necessity for guns.

The army is clearly still equipped for a fight with far-flung forces through their vibranium-infused tech, but to the layperson their lack of conventional firearms seems positively suicidal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.