10 Crazy Movie Politicians We'd Never Vote For

7. President Benson - Hot Shots: Part Deux


Yep, although I do love this guy. Anyway, the sequel to Hot Shots saw the former Admiral Benson elevated to the station of President of the United States. Although intended as comic character he was weirdly similar to George W. Bush, in the sense he was a complete and utter idiot. Remember when Charlie Sheen was funny? Those were good times Despite his military background and skills with a lightsaber you just would not trust him enough to be in charge of the worlds largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, he would almost definitely make use of it while landscaping the White House garden or attempting to scare of a fox.

6. James "Jimmy" Dale - Mars Attacks!

I feel bad criticising Jack Nicholson in any way, but unfortunately his actions as President in Mars Attacks! are not quite decisive enough to stop him from appearing on the list. Incidentally Mars Attacks! is a film which last time I watched it was just not quite as good as I remember it being. Although essentially that hippy guy started it all off by releasing a dove, Dale decided to continue attempting to negotiate instead of nuking them. It's like he has never seen a 50's sci-fi film! Even his impassioned speech to the Martian leader has no effect and just ends up with him getting impaled.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist