10 Creepiest David Lynch Characters

5. The Chalfonts (Twin Peaks)

Twin Peaks Little Man
New Line Cinema

Mrs Tremond and her amateur magician grandson Pierre only appeared briefly in Twin Peaks' original run, but they made a big impression. When Donna Hayward takes over Laura Palmer's meals on wheels route to investigate her friend's death, she meets a strange old lady and her sharp-dressed grandson. Mrs Tremond seems highly offended by the creamed corn in her dinner, but then Pierre makes it disappear, only for it to reappear in his hands. He also tells Donna the ominous phrase, "j'ai une âme solitaire," which later appears in Harold Smith's suicide note.

If that were their only appearance, it would be creepy enough, but the pair reappear in Fire Walk With Me, this time going under the name Chalfont. They are revealed to have shared the meeting room with BOB, the Man From Another Place, and other spirits, suggesting that they are likely not human. In the movie, the grandson often wears a white mask, featureless save for a long nose, and at one point, he removes the mask to reveal the face of a monkey, a jump scare despite the absence of any sudden noise.

Fire Walk With Me also reveals that the pair tend to be found in places where an elderly resident has recently died, using the surname of that deceased person. Whether they kill the person and take their identity or simply appear in the place of a recent death is unknown, but both ideas are ghoulish, and only make the Tremonds/Chalfonts even creepier.


Aspiring author. Film reviewer. Bestiary curator. Burgeoning misanthrope.