10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

5. The Birth Of Two-Face - The Dark Knight

Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Warner Bros.

Heath Ledger's 'Clown Prince of Crime' may have quite rightly stole the majority of the villainous headlines coming out of Christopher Nolan's sensational epic, but Aaron Eckhart's white knight of Gotham was at the centre of his fair share of memorable The Dark Knight moments, too.

After being just about saved by Batman during that 2008 sequel, a heartbroken Harvey Dent has his face half burned off after The Joker's attempts to blow him to smithereens.

Instead of going for the largely practical option for this particular effect, though, the famously anti-CGI Nolan surprisingly went for a mostly digital disfigurement.

Eckhart did still end up needing a bit of additional make-up and half of his head was covered in a skullcap whilst shooting, but the majority of this exceptional visual was made via CGI, with the actor being able to perform freely with only some motion capture dots on his mug on the day.

And after the brilliant team at Framestore had performed their digital magic on 120 shots involving a half-burned Harvey, Nolan well and truly got his wish of seeing a "photorealistic and shocking" Two Face in his movie.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...