10 Cursed Movie Productions

8. A Confederacy Of Dunces

The Crow
Grove Weidenfeld

John Kennedy Toole took his own life 11 years before the publication of A Confederacy Of Dunces. The novel is now considered a comedic masterpiece, but the tragic end of its author was the first indication that filming this unique book would be no simple task. After countless false starts and with the best intentions, a successful adaptation is yet to be made.

The lead role, Ignatius J. Reilly, is a choice one for a certain breed of comic actor. An obese, verbose half genius, half idiot, the novel depicts Reilly strolling around ‘6os New Orleans castigating the modern world for its failings.

The likes of Johns Belushi and Candy and Chris Farley have been touted for the role, all of whom met an early end. Stephen Soderbergh attempted to shepherd a Will Ferrell-led version, but mitigating circumstances - including the devastation of hurricane Katrina - put paid to this.

Soderbergh himself has suggested that the project is cursed. A book with such a cult following as this can be something of a poisoned chalice to film - it’s got to be just so, or meet with the fandom’s wrath - so perhaps it’s for the best this novel remains unadapted.

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The Crow
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)