10 Dangerous Movie Scenes Audiences Refused To Believe Were Faked

1. The Whole Damn Movie - The Blair Witch Project

Chinatown Knife Scene
Artisan Entertainment

There's been plenty of groan-worthy "discourse" online recently about whether some folks in the ancient past of 1999 actually believed that The Blair Witch Project was real, and of course, they absolutely did.

The ingeniously executed and innovatively marketed found footage masterpiece persuaded millions that they were indeed watching the seemingly final days of a trio of young filmmakers who went missing in the woods of Burkittsville, Maryland, leaving behind only their recovered footage.

It didn't hurt that the three leads - Heather Donahue, Michael Williams, and Joshua Leonard - were unknown actors who stayed out of the public eye during the film's initial release, while also being listed as "missing, presumed dead" on IMDB.

And so, at the time of the film's release many completely bought the illusion and refused to believe that they could possibly be watching an expertly conceived work of fiction.

This was surely aided by the fact that the audience never actually sees anything supernatural in the film which would betray its implied "realism."

But of course, audiences are far more savvy to this sort of trickery these days, and it'd be much, much tougher to sell this to the viewers of 2023.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.