10 Dark Moments In Disney Animated Films

4. The Miscarriage - Up (2009)

The first ten minutes of Up are told almost entirely through music, and is such a masterpiece.

Carl and his childhood sweetheart Ellie have a passion for adventure, and throughout their lives, they are saving to journey to Paradise Falls.

As you see their entire time together play out on screen until Ellie's tragic death, there's one particular moment that is also really dark, but not in a scary sense.

One of the things you see is the happy couple decorate a nursery for a child, as Ellie is pregnant and the pair can't wait. But then the scene transitions into a doctor's office, where it's revealed that Ellie has had a miscarriage, and can't have children.

This is a really emotional moment, and a very heavy topic to include in a film intended for children. Though it's not particularly disturbing, it's still covering a very real and painful subject, and the reality of it only makes it hit home harder.

Up is a wonderful film, but it's also absolutely full of tear-jerker moments.

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Movie geek, horror nerd, TTRPG aficionado!